
Beach Stuff 3

We made another trip to Obstruction Pass State Park. We like to go at low tide. Most of you know that the lowness of low tide varies from day-to-day. The fluctuation here between the various low tides is several feet. That variation is about 7 feet. In other words, one […]

A 3 hour cruise 2

We took a three hour cruise with Deer Harbor Charters. This was our third trip with them, bringing different guests each time. They operate a couple of boats. We rode on the “Pelagic,” which holds 20 people. It is the smaller of the two boats run by the company. In […]

Orcas Feeding

Phil Nicklen took multiple photos of Orcas feeding off of the coast of Norway, and the National Geographic has a nice story in the July 2015 issue that also references the Orcas of the Pacific Northwest. The story is worth a read.  Also, google “Phil Nicklen” to see many of the images that […]